V and C

The basic mapping between C and V types is described in C and V Type Interoperability.

Calling C from V

V currently does not have a parser for C code. That means that even though it allows you to #include existing C header and source files, it will not know anything about the declarations in them. The #include statement will only appear in the generated C code, to be used by the C compiler backend itself.

Example of #include

#include <stdio.h>

After this statement, V will not know anything about the functions and structs declared in stdio.h, but if you try to compile the .v file, it will add the include in the generated C code, so that if that header file is missing, you will get a C error (you will not in this specific case, if you have a proper C compiler setup, since <stdio.h> is part of the standard C library).

To overcome that limitation (that V does not have a C parser), V needs you to redeclare the C functions and structs, on the V side, in your .c.v files. Note that such redeclarations only need to have enough details about the functions/structs that you want to use. Note also that they do not have to be complete, unlike the ones in the .h files.

C. struct redeclarations For example, if a struct has 3 fields on the C side, but you want to only refer to 1 of them, you can declare it like this:

Example of C struct redeclaration

struct C.NameOfTheStruct { a_field int }

Another feature, that is very frequently needed for C interoperability, is the @[typedef] attribute. It is used for marking C. structs, that are defined with typedef struct SomeName { ..... } TypeName; in the C headers.

For that case, you will have to write something like this in your .c.v file:

@[typedef] pub struct C.TypeName { }

Note that the name of the C. struct in V, is the one after the struct SomeName {...}.

C. function redeclarations The situation is similar for C. functions. If you are going to call just 1 function in a library, but its .h header declares dozens of them, you will only need to declare that single function, for example:

Example of C function redeclaration

fn C.name_of_the_C_function(param1 int, const_param2 &char, param3 f32) f64

... and then later, you will be able to call the same way you would V function:

f := C.name_of_the_C_function(123, c'here is some C style string', 1.23) dump(f)

Example of using a C function from stdio, by redeclaring it on the V side

#include <stdio.h> // int dprintf(int fd, const char *format, ...) fn C.dprintf(fd int, const_format &char, ...voidptr) int value := 12345 x := C.dprintf(0, c'Hello world, value: %d\n', value) dump(x)

If your C backend compiler is properly setup, you should see something like this, when you try to run it:

#0 10:42:32 /v/examples> v run a.v
Hello world, value: 12345
[a.v:8] x: 26
#0 10:42:33 /v/examples>

Note, that the C function redeclarations look very simillar to the V ones, with some differences:

  1. They lack a body (they are defined on the C side) .
  2. Their names start with C. .
  3. Their names can have capital letters (unlike V ones, that are required to use snake_case) .

Note also the second parameter const char *format, which was redeclared as const_format &char . The const_ prefix in that redeclaration may seem arbitrary, but it is important, if you want to compile your code with -cstrict or thirdparty C static analysis tools. V currently does not have another way to express that this parameter is a const (this will probably change in V 1.0).

For some C functions, that use variadics (...) as parameters, V supports a special syntax for the parameters - ...voidptr, that is not available for ordinary V functions (V's variadics are required to have the same exact type). Usually those are functions of the printf/scanf family i.e for printf, fprintf, scanf, sscanf, etc, and other formatting/parsing/logging functions.


#flag freebsd -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib #flag -lsqlite3 #include "sqlite3.h" // See also the example from https://www.sqlite.org/quickstart.html pub struct C.sqlite3 { } pub struct C.sqlite3_stmt { } type FnSqlite3Callback = fn (voidptr, int, &&char, &&char) int fn C.sqlite3_open(&char, &&C.sqlite3) int fn C.sqlite3_close(&C.sqlite3) int fn C.sqlite3_column_int(stmt &C.sqlite3_stmt, n int) int // ... you can also just define the type of parameter and leave out the C. prefix fn C.sqlite3_prepare_v2(&C.sqlite3, &char, int, &&C.sqlite3_stmt, &&char) int fn C.sqlite3_step(&C.sqlite3_stmt) fn C.sqlite3_finalize(&C.sqlite3_stmt) fn C.sqlite3_exec(db &C.sqlite3, sql &char, cb FnSqlite3Callback, cb_arg voidptr, emsg &&char) int fn C.sqlite3_free(voidptr) fn my_callback(arg voidptr, howmany int, cvalues &&char, cnames &&char) int { unsafe { for i in 0 .. howmany { print('| ${cstring_to_vstring(cnames[i])}: ${cstring_to_vstring(cvalues[i]):20} ') } } println('|') return 0 } fn main() { db := &C.sqlite3(unsafe { nil }) // this means `sqlite3* db = 0` // passing a string literal to a C function call results in a C string, not a V string C.sqlite3_open(c'users.db', &db) // C.sqlite3_open(db_path.str, &db) query := 'select count(*) from users' stmt := &C.sqlite3_stmt(unsafe { nil }) // Note: You can also use the `.str` field of a V string, // to get its C style zero terminated representation C.sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, &char(query.str), -1, &stmt, 0) C.sqlite3_step(stmt) nr_users := C.sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0) C.sqlite3_finalize(stmt) println('There are ${nr_users} users in the database.') error_msg := &char(0) query_all_users := 'select * from users' rc := C.sqlite3_exec(db, &char(query_all_users.str), my_callback, voidptr(7), &error_msg) if rc != C.SQLITE_OK { eprintln(unsafe { cstring_to_vstring(error_msg) }) C.sqlite3_free(error_msg) } C.sqlite3_close(db) }

Calling V from C

Since V can compile to C, calling V code from C is very easy, once you know how.

Use v -o file.c your_file.v to generate a C file, corresponding to the V code.

More details in call_v_from_c example.

Passing C compilation flags

Add #flag directives to the top of your V files to provide C compilation flags like:

  • -I for adding C include files search paths
  • -l for adding C library names that you want to get linked
  • -L for adding C library files search paths
  • -D for setting compile time variables

You can (optionally) use different flags for different targets. Currently the linux, darwin , freebsd, and windows flags are supported.

[!NOTE] Each flag must go on its own line (for now)

#flag linux -lsdl2 #flag linux -Ivig #flag linux -DCIMGUI_DEFINE_ENUMS_AND_STRUCTS=1 #flag linux -DIMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_FUNCTIONS=1 #flag linux -DIMGUI_IMPL_API=

In the console build command, you can use:

  • -cc to change the default C backend compiler.
  • -cflags to pass custom flags to the backend C compiler (passed before other C options).
  • -ldflags to pass custom flags to the backend C linker (passed after every other C option).
  • For example: -cc gcc-9 -cflags -fsanitize=thread.

You can define a VFLAGS environment variable in your terminal to store your -cc and -cflags settings, rather than including them in the build command each time.


Add #pkgconfig directives to tell the compiler which modules should be used for compiling and linking using the pkg-config files provided by the respective dependencies.

As long as backticks can't be used in #flag and spawning processes is not desirable for security and portability reasons, V uses its own pkgconfig library that is compatible with the standard freedesktop one.

If no flags are passed it will add --cflags and --libs to pkgconfig (not to V). In other words, both lines below do the same:

#pkgconfig r_core #pkgconfig --cflags --libs r_core

The .pc files are looked up into a hardcoded list of default pkg-config paths, the user can add extra paths by using the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. Multiple modules can be passed.

To check the existence of a pkg-config use $pkgconfig('pkg') as a compile time "if" condition to check if a pkg-config exists. If it exists the branch will be created. Use $else or $else $if to handle other cases.

$if $pkgconfig('mysqlclient') { #pkgconfig mysqlclient } $else $if $pkgconfig('mariadb') { #pkgconfig mariadb }

Including C code

You can also include C code directly in your V module. For example, let's say that your C code is located in a folder named 'c' inside your module folder. Then:

  • Put a v.mod file inside the toplevel folder of your module (if you created your module with v new you already have v.mod file). For example:
Module { name: 'mymodule', description: 'My nice module wraps a simple C library.', version: '0.0.1' dependencies: [] }
  • Add these lines to the top of your module:
#flag -I @VMODROOT/c #flag @VMODROOT/c/implementation.o #include "header.h"

[!NOTE] @VMODROOT will be replaced by V with the nearest parent folder, where there is a v.mod file. Any .v file beside or below the folder where the v.mod file is, can use #flag @VMODROOT/abc to refer to this folder. The @VMODROOT folder is also prepended to the module lookup path, so you can import other modules under your @VMODROOT, by just naming them.

The instructions above will make V look for an compiled .o file in your module folder/c/implementation.o. If V finds it, the .o file will get linked to the main executable, that used the module. If it does not find it, V assumes that there is a @VMODROOT/c/implementation.c file, and tries to compile it to a .o file, then will use that.

This allows you to have C code, that is contained in a V module, so that its distribution is easier. You can see a complete minimal example for using C code in a V wrapper module here: project_with_c_code. Another example, demonstrating passing structs from C to V and back again: interoperate between C to V to C.

C types

Ordinary zero terminated C strings can be converted to V strings with unsafe { &char(cstring).vstring() } or if you know their length already with unsafe { &char(cstring).vstring_with_len(len) }.

[!NOTE] The .vstring() and .vstring_with_len() methods do NOT create a copy of the cstring, so you should NOT free it after calling the method .vstring(). If you need to make a copy of the C string (some libc APIs like getenv pretty much require that, since they return pointers to internal libc memory), you can use cstring_to_vstring(cstring).

On Windows, C APIs often return so called wide strings (UTF-16 encoding). These can be converted to V strings with string_from_wide(&u16(cwidestring)) .

V has these types for easier interoperability with C:

  • voidptr for C's void*,
  • &u8 for C's byte* and
  • &char for C's char*.
  • &&char for C's char**

To cast a voidptr to a V reference, use user := &User(user_void_ptr).

voidptr can also be dereferenced into a V struct through casting: user := User(user_void_ptr).

an example of a module that calls C code from V

C Declarations

C identifiers are accessed with the C prefix similarly to how module-specific identifiers are accessed. Functions must be redeclared in V before they can be used. Any C types may be used behind the C prefix, but types must be redeclared in V in order to access type members.

To redeclare complex types, such as in the following C code:

struct SomeCStruct { uint8_t implTraits; uint16_t memPoolData; union { struct { void* data; size_t size; }; DataView view; }; };

members of sub-data-structures may be directly declared in the containing struct as below:

pub struct C.SomeCStruct { implTraits u8 memPoolData u16 // These members are part of sub data structures that can't currently be represented in V. // Declaring them directly like this is sufficient for access. // union { // struct { data voidptr size usize // } view C.DataView // } }

The existence of the data members is made known to V, and they may be used without re-creating the original structure exactly.

Alternatively, you may embed the sub-data-structures to maintain a parallel code structure.

Export to shared library

By default all V functions have the following naming scheme in C: [module name]__[fn_name].

For example, fn foo() {} in module bar will result in bar__foo().

To use a custom export name, use the @[export] attribute:

@[export: 'my_custom_c_name']
fn foo() {

Translating C to V

V can translate your C code to human readable V code, and generating V wrappers on top of C libraries.

C2V currently uses Clang's AST to generate V, so to translate a C file to V you need to have Clang installed on your machine.

Let's create a simple program test.c first:

#include "stdio.h" int main() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf("hello world\n"); } return 0; }

Run v translate test.c, and V will generate test.v:

fn main() { for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { println('hello world') } }

To generate a wrapper on top of a C library use this command:

v translate wrapper c_code/libsodium/src/libsodium

This will generate a directory libsodium with a V module.

Example of a C2V generated libsodium wrapper:


When should you translate C code and when should you simply call C code from V?

If you have well-written, well-tested C code, then of course you can always simply call this C code from V.

Translating it to V gives you several advantages:

  • If you plan to develop that code base, you now have everything in one language, which is much safer and easier to develop in than C.
  • Cross-compilation becomes a lot easier. You don't have to worry about it at all.
  • No more build flags and include files either.

Working around C issues

In some cases, C interop can be extremely difficult. One of these such cases is when headers conflict with each other. For example, V needs to include the Windows header libraries in order for your V binaries to work seamlessly across all platforms.

However, since the Windows header libraries use extremely generic names such as Rectangle, this will cause a conflict if you wish to use C code that also has a name defined as Rectangle.

For very specific cases like this, V has #preinclude and #postinclude directives.

These directives allow things to be configured before V adds in its built in libraries, and after all of the V code generation has completed (and thus all of the prototypes, declarations and definitions are already present).

Example usage:

// This will include before built in libraries are used. #preinclude "pre_include.h" // This will include after built in libraries are used. #include "include.h" // This will include after all of the V code generation is complete, // including the one for the main function of the project #postinclude "post_include.h"

An example of what might be included in pre_include.h can be found here

The #postinclude directive on the other hand is useful for allowing the integration of frameworks like SDL3 or Sokol, that insist on having callbacks in your code, instead of behaving like ordinary libraries, and allowing you to decide when to call them.

NOTE: these are advanced features, and will not be necessary outside of very specific cases with C interop. Other than those, using them could cause more issues than it solves.

Consider using them as a last resort!