Package management

A V module is a single folder with .v files inside. A V package can contain one or more V modules. A V package should have a v.mod file at its top folder, describing the contents of the package.

V packages are installed normally in your ~/.vmodules folder. That location can be overridden by setting the env variable VMODULES.

Package commands

You can use the V frontend to do package operations, just like you can use it for compiling code, formatting code, vetting code etc.

v [package_command] [param]

where a package command can be one of:

   install           Install a package from VPM.
   remove            Remove a package that was installed from VPM.
   search            Search for a package from VPM.
   update            Update an installed package from VPM.
   upgrade           Upgrade all the outdated packages.
   list              List all installed packages.
   outdated          Show installed packages that need updates.

You can install packages already created by someone else with VPM:

v install [package]


v install ui

Packages can be installed directly from git or mercurial repositories.

v install [--once] [--git|--hg] [url]


v install --git

Sometimes you may want to install the dependencies ONLY if those are not installed:

v install --once [package]

Removing a package with v:

v remove [package]


v remove ui

Updating an installed package from VPM:

v update [package]


v update ui

Or you can update all your packages:

v update

To see all the packages you have installed, you can use:

v list


> v list
Installed packages:

To see all the packages that need updates:

v outdated


> v outdated
Package are up to date.

Publish package

  1. Put a v.mod file inside the toplevel folder of your package (if you created your package with the command v new mypackage or v init you already have a v.mod file).

    v new mypackage
    Input your project description: My nice package.
    Input your project version: (0.0.0) 0.0.1
    Input your project license: (MIT)
    Initialising ...

    Example v.mod:

    Module { name: 'mypackage' description: 'My nice package.' version: '0.0.1' license: 'MIT' dependencies: [] }

    Minimal file structure:


    The name of your package should be used with the module directive at the top of all files in your package. For mypackage.v:

    module mypackage pub fn hello_world() { println('Hello World!') }
  2. Create a git repository in the folder with the v.mod file (this is not required if you used v new or v init):

    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "INIT"
  3. Create a public repository on

  4. Connect your local repository to the remote repository and push the changes.

  5. Add your package to the public V package registry VPM:

    You will have to login with your Github account to register the package. Warning: Currently it is not possible to edit your entry after submitting. Check your package name and github url twice as this cannot be changed by you later.

  6. The final package name is a combination of your github account and the package name you provided e.g. mygithubname.mypackage.

Optional: tag your V package with vlang and vlang-package on to allow for a better search experience.

Advanced Topics